Influencers and celebrity culture


1) Media Magazine reading

Media Magazine 72 has a feature linking YouTube influencers to A Level media theories. Go to our Media Magazine archive, click on MM72 and scroll to page 60 to read the article ‘The theory of everything - using YouTubers to understand media theory’. Answer the following questions:

1) How has YouTube "democratised media creativity"?

 Due to YouTube anyone can be the producer and they can produce any type of content which is opposing to the original media creativity where industries would put a lot of thought and effort into the production of products.

2) How does YouTube and social media culture act as a form of cultural imperialism or 'Americanisation'? 

The globalised domination of the american popular of YouTubers cause Americanisation to influence the audience.

3) How do influencers reinforce capitalist ideologies? 

As they start to get sponsors they become heavy on releasing content in order to make money and increase their successes , a lot of them time the influencers will sponsor a business that may even be a scam or a damage causing product or service to people's lives and health , showing that the influencers don't really care about the audiences.

4) How can YouTube and social media celebrity content be read as postmodern, an example of hyperreality? 

As all types of different people produce different types of media that applies to all types of audiences.

5) What are the arguments for and against regulating online content such as YouTube?

Some believe that YouTube is not regulated at a good enough level as all videos aren't monitored but some argue that YouTube creators shouldn't be monitored as it is independent media produce.

6) How can Hesmondhalgh and Curran & Seaton's ideas be linked to online media debates? 

Hesmondhalghs theory is important as it links to the idea that the higher up companies create topics in order for users to have a debate which would lead to increased media widespread in which companies may benefit from. Curran & Seaton's ideas may be important as they state that the media owners have the most power.

7) How can Gauntlett's ideas around identity and audience be applied to YouTube and influencer content?

He states that audiences are progressing from being consumers to creators of themselves which YouTube is a prime example of as it is full of independent users producing their own media.

8) What is YOUR opinion on celebrity influencers? Are they a positive, democratic addition to the contemporary media landscape or a highly constructed product promoting hegemonic capitalist ideologies?   

I think celebrity influencers are positive as they are more organic then ordinary celebrities as they are more likely to interact with fans and don't have high restrictions put against them.

2) How to build a social media brand: case study

1) What are the different ways celebrities manage their social media accounts? Give examples. 

When the influencer isn't running their account they get managers to do so and they use these methods.
  • Social media content strategy
  • Online reputation management
  • Community management and programming
  • Paid social media strategy and execution
  • Team member management and development

2) Why is 'voice' important in celebrity social media content and what examples are provided?

It allows for companies or influencers to stand out from the crowd and ensure they differ themselves from others. Mark Ruffalo's post on the EU meeting. 

3) What different goals may celebrities have for their social media accounts? 

Some may want to achieve widespread and gain followers and other might want to interact with audiences and better relationships with fans.

4) What types of content can be found from celebrity social media posts? 

Personal content of their lives, promotional content, giveaways or content that appeals to fans.

5) How does social media allow influencers to interact with fans? Give examples.  

Fans can directly contact them through direct messages and comments on posts. Fans commented on Taylor Swift's posts and she responded.

3) Guardian article: Social media harming young people

1) What did the YMCA's report suggest about social media content and celebrity culture?  

That young people are starting to focus more on their image and how they are portrayed over how they are actually doing.

2) What examples are provided of how this can have a damaging effect on young people? 

43% of 11-12 year olds were influenced by online creators.

3) What is YOUR opinion on this topic? Do you feel social media is dangerous to young people? Should age restrictions be enforced? Explain your answer. 

I feel social media is dangerous upon young audiences and their though process. I believe social media should have age restrictions of 15+.


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