Y12 exam - Media Paper 1: Learner response

 1) Type up your feedback in full (you do not need to write mark/grade if you do not wish to).

WWW: Obaida , not your greatest assessment but you are able to somewhat analyse an unseen media product.

EBI: Quite simply - not enough work or preparation has reflected in your assessment. Complete the blog work to see an improvement for next year. 

17/42 D

2) Read the mark scheme for this exam carefully, paying particular attention to the 'indicative content' for each question. This is some of the best analysis you can do as it gives you an idea of what the exam board is expecting. For your LR blogpost, identify ONE point you could have added for the first three questions in Section A:

Q1 (unseen text) additional point/theory: The typography on the advert is all sans serif, offering connotations of a more youthful, modern brand. The fact the campaign encourages the audience to make this product their
“first Swiss watch” reinforces the feel this is aimed at slightly younger professional men perhaps at the start of a lucrative career.

Q2 (unseen text and CSP) additional point/theory/CSP reference: 

Hegemonic masculinity – advert suggests patriarchal dominance is still in place despite changes in gender representation over recent years.

Aggressively heterosexual representation perhaps shows male insecurity in light of the decriminalisation of homosexuality in 1967.

Q3 (music video) additional point/theory/CSP reference: Lil Nas X and Old Town Road is ideological through its depiction of genre and race.

3) Now focus on Section B. Section B began with two questions testing your knowledge of industry terminology. Make sure you know the answers to these (get the answers from the mark scheme if you have to):

Benefits of vertical integration: Greater control of the production process and lower costs and higher profits.

Definition and benefits of diversification: Diversification is when a media company branches out into a different area of the media industries. Allows for more exposure.

4) The Section B CSP focus was on Blinded By The Light. The impact of new technology on distribution was a weaker area in most answers. Pick out three points from the mark scheme that you could have included in your answer here.

• New streaming sites such as Netflix and Amazon Prime are increasingly influential players in
the film industry despite their relative youth compared to giants of the entertainment
industry such as Disney.

• The internet has brought significant challenges to the industry in the form of illegal
downloading and file sharing. The global nature of the media industry in the digital age also
means more synchronised release dates so films are not leaked or illegally downloaded in
territories the film is yet to be released in.

• However, technology arguably has saved the film (and New Line Cinema who paid $15m for
the rights to distribute) with deals to make Blinded By The Light available first on Amazon
Prime and then on Netflix. This means the film will continue to generate income despite the
initial disappointing box office figures.

5) Finally, identify three things you plan to revise before your next Media assessment or mock exam (e.g. terminology, particular theories or CSPs etc.) 

Theories and the theorists that need to be referenced , media terminology that is important and key details about the CSP's.


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