Reception theory

 1) What are the preferred, negotiated and oppositional readings for the RBK 50 Cent advert?

The preferred reading is that Reebok is open to individuality which can be displayed with 50 cent being proud of who he is hence the statement ' I am what I am ' .

The negotiated reading is the readers may view the bullets as 50 having been short and surviving linking to the resilience of the shoe similar to his resilience .

An oppisitional reading is that readers may dislike 50 cents past and music career therefore leading towards not purchasing the shoes .

2) What are the preferred, negotiated and oppositional readings for the advert of your own choice that you analysed for last week's work?

The preferred reading is - that KFC is good food and eaten by high level performers  .

The negotiated reading - that Ronaldo eats KFC before playing a match .

An oppisitional reading -  is that KFC is a cheat meal and should be eaten off pitch .

1) Complete Activity 1 on page 2 of the factsheet. Choose a media text you have enjoyed and apply the sender-message-channel-receiver model to the text. There is an example of how to do this in the factsheet (the freediving YouTube video).

2) What are the definitions of 'encoding' and 'decoding'?

Encoding is essentially a writing process, whereas decoding is a reading process.

3) Why did Stuart Hall criticise the sender-message-channel-receiver model?

Because he believes no theorist could work in isolation from other ideas .

4) What was Hall's circuit of communication model?

Stuart Hall's encoding/decoding model of mass communication .

5) What does the factsheet say about Hall's Reception theory?

One of Hall’s best-known ideas to emerge from his encoding/ decoding model is his contribution  to Reception Theory , which challenged the idea that audiences all understood media texts in a broadly similar way. It’s a way of exploring connections and relationships in the decoding process, the ‘non-linear’ processes between the construction of representations and audience interpretations of them.

6) Look at the final page. How does it suggest Reception theory could be criticised?

It displays that this is an uncertain theory and it reinforces cultural hegemony .


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